The heads of 5 agricultural research institutes from Africa, namely, Dr. Famoï Béavogui, Director of Agricultural Research Institute of Guinea (IRAG); Dr. Alioune Fall, Director of Senegal Agricultural Research Institute (ISRA); Dr. Joseph G. Mureithi, Deputy Director of Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO); and Dr. Robert B. Zougmore, African Regional Leader of the Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), together with Dr. Regina Sagoe West, Senior Researcher at Crop Research Institute (CSIR-CRI) and Coordinator of West African Agricultural Production Program (WAAPP) of the International Research Center for Semiarid Tropical Crops (ICRISAT), visited JIRCAS on August 28, 2017.
The visit was in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Global Research Alliance on Greenhouse Gases (GRA) held from August 29-30, 2017 and the JIRCAS-NARO International Symposium on “Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation” held on the 31st at the Tsukuba International Congress Center.
The research activities on climate change response, development of stable agricultural production technologies for Africa, breeding and cultivation technology development of rice and field crops, research on livestock etc. were discussed during the exchange of opinions with JIRCAS researchers.