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117. Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2020
The global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is an international indicator of multidimensional poverty that covers more than 100 developing countries, and complements traditional monetary poverty measures by capturing the rapid deterioration of health, education and living standards. The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2020 is jointly published by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The global MPI 2020 compares the poverty level for 107 countries in developing regions corresponding to 5.9 billion people or three quarters of the world’s population, and identified 1.3 billion people (22%) as multidimensionally poor.
For key findings of the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2020, please refer to the link below:
Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Research Strategy Office)