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106. World Bank ー Beyond the Pandemic: Harnessing the Digital Revolution to Set Food Systems on a Better Course

On August 6, 2020, the World Bank published an article entitled “Beyond the Pandemic: Harnessing the Digital Revolution to Set Food Systems on a Better Course” addressing the issues on pervasive information asymmetry and transaction costs in vast food systems and the need for transformation to a more comprehensive, resilient and sustainable model.。
The three recommendations for digital acceleration of agricultural transformation are as follows:
The first D: De-concentrate markets and supply chains
The second D: Decentralize traceability
The third D: Disseminate open data
The full article is available at:
World Bank, Beyond the Pandemic: Harnessing the Digital Revolution to Set Food Systems on a Better Course, By: Julian Lampietti, Ghada El Abed, and Kateryna Schroeder, August 6, 2020.
Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Research Strategy Office)