Pick Up
96. Nature Climate Change: Climate Change and Locust Outbreak in East Africa

The scientific journal Nature Climate Change published an article entitled “Climate change and locust outbreak in East Africa”. When an event happens, it is difficult to attribute its cause to climate change. However, climate change, such as rising temperatures, increased rainfall in desert areas, and strong winds associated with tropical cyclones, provide a new environment suitable for breeding, development, and migration of pests. Thus global warming may have played a role in creating the conditions necessary for the occurrence of locust outbreak. Details are available at the link below. Utilizing a vast experience in overseas research activities, JIRCAS is conducting JIRCAS is conducting research in collaboration with the Mauritanian National Anti Locust Center (CNLA) and the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development, National Institute for Agricultural Research (CIRAD) in order to clarify the ecology and behavior of desert locusts in the field.
Salih, A.A.M., Baraibar, M., Mwangi, K.K. et al. Climate change and locust outbreak in East Africa. Nat. Clim. Chang. 10, 584–585 (2020).
Pick up 2. Towards the development of preventive control technologies for desert locust
Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Research Strategy Office)