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72. Global Food Security Article: Myths, Realities and Agenda on Agricultural Mechanization in Africa

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The Global Food Security, a journal that aims to publish papers that contribute to better understanding of economic, social, biophysical, technological, and institutional drivers of current and future global food security, nutrition and food systems has published a paper online entitled "Agricultural mechanization in Africa: Myths, realities and an emerging research agenda". The agricultural system in Africa is the least mechanized in the world, and there is a common view is that the introduction of mechanization has not achieved much progress and was even regarded as the “cause of unemployment”. On the other hand, in recent years agricultural mechanization has once again been included in the African development agenda. The authors found that most of the discourses on agricultural mechanization are “myths” with weak evidence, and research to support evidence-supported policies in considering sustainable and comprehensive agricultural mechanization. 

The article is available at:

Thomas Daum, Regina Birner, Agricultural mechanization in Africa: Myths, realities and an emerging research agenda, Global Food Security, Volume 26, 2020, 100393, 

Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Research Strategy Office)

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