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76. Science of The Total Environment: COVID-19: Lessons for the Climate Change Emergency

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In June 2020, the journal Science of The Total Environment published an article entitled “COVID-19: Lessons for the climate change emergency”. The paper states that the COVID-19 crisis affects everything in life and work, casting a huge shadow on the global economy. Given the commonalities between the COVID-19 crisis and the impending global climate emergency, it is also a unique opportunity to provide lessons on how to survive the global climate crisis. The article compiled a list of the similarities and differences between the two crises, and the lessons that can be learned from them, namely, (1) high momentum trends, (2) irreversible changes, (3) social and spatial inequality, (4) weakening of international solidarity, and (5) less costly to prevent than to cure.

The article is available at:

Manzanedo RD,  Manning P. (2020)  COVID-19: Lessons for the climate change emergency. Science of The Total Environment Volume 742, 10 November 2020, 140563


Contributor: IIYAMA Miyuki (Research Strategy Office)


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