International Organization

Bringing the Concept of Climate-Smart Agriculture to Life: Insights from CSA Country Profiles Across Africa, Asia, and Latin America

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Information Analysis


The Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) country Profile Series assesses the status of climate change in the agricultural sectors of more than 30 countries across Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, including the challenges and solutions.  The report also provides  an overview of climate-smart technologies around the world, emerging insights, strengths and weaknesses across different dimensions of climate-smartness, and their specific barriers to adoption. 


Sova, C. A., G. Grosjean, T. Baedeker, T. N. Nguyen, M. Wallner, A. Jarvis, A. Nowak, C. Corner-Dolloff, E. Girvetz, P. Laderach, and Lizarazo. M. 2018. “Bringing the Concept of Climate-Smart Agriculture to Life: Insights from CSA Country Profiles Across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.” World Bank, and the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture, Washington, DC.


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