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1145. FAO Chief Economist Special Seminar Archived Video Released
1145. FAO Chief Economist Special Seminar Archived Video Released
On Tuesday, October 8, FAO Chief Economist Maximo Torero delivered the keynote speech at a special seminar titled "Priority Policy and Investment Options for Global Food Security and Nutrition and Resilient Food Systems."
【Title】 Special Seminar with Dr. Máximo Torero, Chief Economist, FAO – Priority Policy and Investment Options for Global Food Security and Nutrition and Resilient Food Systems
We have released an archived video with subtitles on the JIRCAS YouTube channel.
In his keynote speech, he also spoke in detail about the efforts of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, which was recently established at the G20 in Brazil. Please take a look.
Opening – Keynote Speech: https://youtu.be/LcxnAoBZ9vg
Q&A, Panel Discussion, Closing: https://youtu.be/kuAa_91il6I
Contributor: FAO Chief Economist Special Seminar Committee