Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa
Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa
, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2018-01-18)
1_AgendaIRENA-ICRAF-JIRCAS.pdf489.38 KB
Biomass to energy innovation: Briquette from rice husks and peanuts residues in Tanzania
Kaya Suleman Kazema, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
2-1-2_MrKazemaTROMSO.pdf2.48 MB
Farmer Field School (FFS) based Woodlot Development Promotion through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Forestry / Natural Resource Projects in East Africa
Shinji Ogawa, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
1-4_MrOgawaJICAEthiopia.pdf18.52 MB
Improving Coffee Quality and Production Using Infrared IR Technology
Etsub Assefa, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
2-2-3_MsEtsubHornofAfrica.pdf807.49 KB
Integrated Food-Energy Systems for Power and Food Security in the Tropics: A Revolutionary Approach
Dennis Garrity, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
2-2-6_DrDennisICRAF.pdf2.32 MB
Partnership on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Renewables - Promoting the central role of women in clean energy entrepreneurship Promoting the central role of women in clean energy entrepreneurship
Linda Davis, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
1-2_DrLindawPOWER.pdf1.54 MB
Production of Ethanol from cassava processing wastes in Nigeria
James Ogbonna, Yoshinori Murata, Hide Omae, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
Project on Development of Drought Tolerant Trees for Adaptation to Climate Change in Drylands of Kenya
Muturi Gabriel M., Kariuki Jason G., Omondi Stephen.F., Muchiri David. K, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
Sustainability Matrix for local investment in green energy for sustainable development of off-grid economic zones in Zimbabwe
Charles Kanyunga, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
3-3_MrCharlesHIT.pdf3.01 MB
The Engine of Opportunity For Rural Communities
Maggie Flanagan, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
2-2-4_MsMaggieVIP.pdf1.5 MB
Agroecology for sustainable development, food and energy security in Uganda
Ndyabandiho Saul, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
1-3_MrNdyabandihoCEG.pdf2.49 MB
Bio-char and food, water and energy NEXUS
Veronica AgodoaKitti, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
Bioenergy sustainability assessment tool with GBEP indicators for IRENA Project Navigator
Takashi Hayashi, Yasuko Inoue, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
3-4_DrHayashiDrInouePRIMAFF.pdf1004.51 KB
Biogas Milk Chilling to Increase Productivity and Incomes of Dairy Farmers through their off-grid, biogas-powered milk chiller
Dorine Poelhekke, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)
Biomass-Powered Thermal Processing of Bamboo
Dereje Worku, Workshop on Sustainable Rural Bioenergy Solutions in Africa. (2018) (2013-07-01)