Opening Address

Good afternoon, distinguished guests and participants, ladies and gentlemen, it’s
my great honor and privilege to open the international symposium “Contribution of Japanese
Agricultural Scientists towards the Millennium Development Goals.”
First of all, on behalf of the organizers of this symposium, Japan Forum on International
Agricultural Research for Sustainable Development, as well as Japan International Research Center
for Agricultural Science, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to our guests from the
ministry, Mr. Katsuki Oda, Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Hiroyuki Takeya, Director General of the Secretariat of the Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, for
honoring us with their presence in spite of their hectic schedules.
I would also like to thank very much the four keynote speakers: Prof. Rudy Rabbinge, Chair
of CGIAR Science Council, Dr. Taizo Yakushiji, Executive Member, the Council for Science
and Technology Policy of the Cabinet Office of Japan, Mr. Jacques Van Outryve, International
Federation of Agriculture Journalists, and Mr. Ariyuki Matsumoto, Vice President, Japan
International Cooperation Agency, and session speakers for kindly accepting our invitation to
deliver precious speeches.
Our cordial appreciation also goes to the director general and board members of CGIAR centers,
in particular those who came from abroad, Dr. Papa Seck of WARDA and Dr. Masa Iwanaga of
CIMMYT, for their participation.
This symposium is an event of the joint activities of J-FARD and JIRCAS. A series of symposiums
has already been held since the establishment of J-FARD in 2004. As you may be aware, J-FARD
is a cross-institutional forum of whoever is interested in agricultural research for development,
including forestry and fi sheries research in this country. JIRCAS strongly supports the forum as the
mission of both institutions are very much common.
This year we decided to discuss the contribution of Japanese scientists toward the development. The
theme is indeed very broad and general; however, we think it is an indispensable and timely issue
in this period of time when Japanese research institutes and universities are aimed at opening their
eyes toward global issues and the pressure of administrative reforms, and when the Japanese science
and technology society is looking for the way of contributing to the harmonized development of the
Everyone gathered here today may agree with the idea that research collaboration among the
relevant institutions and the capacity-building of human resources are the key concerns in this issue.
I am confi dent that the symposium will provide all those who are related to agricultural research for
development in this country, as well as in other countries, with the appropriate recommendations
and guidelines for the future activities. There are a tremendous number of problems relating to the Millennium Development Goals and
there must be many different ways of contributing to them even in the area of agricultural research.
Through lively discussion during today and tomorrow, I hope that Japanese agricultural scientists
can also confi rm our common willingness toward the global environment.
In closing, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the co-sponsors, JICA, CGIAR, and
especially to the United Nations University which facilitated the use of this hall, as well as to many
other organizations for providing kind support to the symposium. Thank you very much for your
刊行年月日 | |
作成者 | Kenji Iiyama |
公開者 | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
オンライン掲載日 | |
号 | 2007 |
開始ページ | 9 |
終了ページ | 10 |
権利 | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
言語 | eng |