【JIRCAS Mail Magazine, Dec】 Biochar Application for the Reduction of Nitrogen Leaching

JIRCAS Mail Magazine (English)

JIRCAS Mail Magazine No. 62 (Dec 2024)

Optimization of Biochar Application Depth Contributes to the Reduction of Nitrogen Leaching

-Pathway to sustainable agriculture by suppressing nitrogen leaching through surface application-

■ Latest Topics
● TARF Researcher Takaragawa and Senior Researcher Matsuda awarded the 22nd Japan Crop Science Society Paper Award
Dr. TAKARAGAWA Hiroo (Researcher) and Dr. MATSUDA Hiroshi (Senior Researcher) of the Tropical Agriculture Research Front were awarded the 22nd Japan Crop Science Society Paper Award for their research paper, titled "Rapid Photosynthesis Measurement Using a Closed System in Sugarcane."

■ New Technology and Research Results from JIRCAS
● Weakening of gene function of OsTB1 by genome editing improves rice productivity under phosphorus deficiency

● A simple method for estimating phosphorus (P) retention capacity in paddy soils based on soil moisture content: An effective approach for P fertilization diagnosis

● Localized phosphorus application via P-dipping is effective in avoiding flooding damage for lowland rice production

● Localized phosphorus application via P-dipping is most effective in increasing lowland rice yields when combined with seedlings at 4.5~6.5 leaf age

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【Edited and Published by】
Information and Public Relations Office
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
1-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686

作成者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
国立情報学研究所メタデータ主題語彙集(資源タイプ) Article
言語 eng
