JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly vol. 56 no.3
Models for Assessment on the Uptake of Radio-cesium by Rice Using Soil Parameters Calibrated for Paddy Fields in Fukushima Prefecture
Yasumi YAGASAKI, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 219-227 (2022-07-01)
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Development of an Arm-raising Work Assistance Tool for Maintenance of Trellis-trained Fruit Trees
Masahiro OHNISHI, Tomoko FUKAI, Tomohiko OTA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 229-236 (2022-07-01)
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Trends in the Development of Energy-saving Techniques for Protected Horticulture in Japan
Ryosuke YAMANAKA, Hiroki KAWASHIMA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 237-243 (2022-07-01)
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Detection of Proteins with Viral Suppressor of RNA Interference Activities from Insect-transmitted Viruses Using Drosophila S2 Cells
Aki SAGISAKA, Ritsuko MURAKAMI, Kenji WATANABE, Hiromitsu TANAKA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 245-250 (2022-07-01)
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Waxy Barley Yield and Grain β-Glucan Content Affected by Heterogeneous Soil Properties in Differently Managed Fields
Atsushi MATSUMURA, Takuya MORISHITA, Shusuke NAKAI, Hiroyuki MASUMOTO, Masanori YANASE, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 251-260 (2022-07-01)
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In Vitro Starch Digestion of Cooked Rice Grain Following the Addition of Various Vegetable Oils
Masatsugu TAMURA, Kanae HOSHI, Takahiro SAITO, Yoshimasa SASAHARA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 261-267 (2022-07-01)
jarq56-3_261-267.pdf1.78 MB
Predicting Tectona grandis Suitability to Evaluate Potential Plantation Areas under Future Climate on Java, Indonesia
Eko PRASETYO, Fajar SETIAWAN, WIDIYATNO, Mohammad NA’IEM, Haruka OHASHI, Yoshihiko TSUMURA, Ikutaro TSUYAMA, Tetsuya MATSUI, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 269-281 (2022-07-01)
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Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Method with Species-specific Primers for Differentiation of Two Closely Related Fish Species, Beryx splendens and B. mollis (Actinopterygii: Beryciformes)
Kazuya NISHIDA, Satoru N. CHIBA, Kay SAKUMA, Ryouichi HIGASHI, Nobuaki SUZUKI, Mai MIYAMOTO, Shiroh YONEZAKI, Kouichi HOSHINO, Kota SAWADA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 283-294 (2022-07-01)
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Transcriptional Responses of the Marine Planktonic Diatom Chaetoceros tenuissimus to Nitrogen- and Phosphorus-deficient States
Haruo YAMAGUCHI, Minoru INOUE, Yuko TANIMOTO, Narumi SUMIDA, Masao ADACHI, Kei KIMURA, Yuji TOMARU, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 56(3) , 295-301 (2022-07-01)
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