JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly vol. 35 no.1
Japanese Native Vigna Genetic Resources
TOMOOKA Norihiko, VAUGHAN Duncan, XU Ru-Qiang, KASHIWABA Kouichi, KAGA Akito, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 1-9 (2001-01-01)
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Simultaneous determination of transformation rates of nitrate in soil
Takashi NISHIO, Michio KOMADA, Tomohito ARAO, Tetsuo KANAMORI , JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 11-17 (2001-01-01)
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Comparison of the Characteristics and Sex Pheromone of Etiella behrii (Zeller), a Newly Identified Pod Borer of Soybean in Indonesia, with E. zinckenella (Treit.)
Makoto HATTORI, Sadao WAKAMURA, Kazunori IGITA, Koji YASUDA, TRIDJAKA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 19-24 (2001-01-01)
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Automated Rice Transplanting Operation Using GPS and FOG Sensors
Yoshisada NAGASAKA, Ken TANIWAKI, Ryuji OTANI, Kazuto SHIGETA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 25-29 (2001-01-01)
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Dietary Fat-Dependent Changes of Gene Expression in Rat Adipose Tissue
Yoko TAKAHASHI, Takashi IDE, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 31-38 (2001-01-01)
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Methods of Control of Injury Associated with Continuous Vegetable Cropping in Japan — Crop Rotation and Several Cultural Practices —
Mitate YAMADA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 39-45 (2001-01-01)
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Method of Forcing Carnations to Bloom to Meet Special Market Demand
Hitoshi IMAMURA, Kenichi SUTO, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 47-52 (2001-01-01)
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Effect of Salt and Water Stress on Fruit Quality, Physiological Responses, Macro- and Micro-Element Contents in Leaves of Satsuma Mandarin Trees under Greenhouse Conditions
Kunihisa MORINAGA, Steve R. SYKES, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 53-58 (2001-01-01)
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Screening of mulberry genotypes suitable for fruit production and development of high-yielding strains with large fruits
Akio KOYAMA, Hiroaki YAMANOUCHI, Hiroaki MACHII, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 59-66 (2001-01-01)
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Early Life Ecology of Skipjack Tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, Based on Survey Cruises off Palau and Micronesia, 1992-1996
Toshiyuki TANABE, Miki OGURA, Mio TAKAHASHI, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 35(1) , 67-77 (2001-01-01)
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