In 1909 and 1991 Japan and Pakistan undertook collaborative explorations in Pakistan. We report on rice cultivation in northern Pakistan and results from evaluation of rice varieties collected. The rice germplasm collected from northern Pakistan reflects the ecogeographic adaptation to this mountainous region and variation in cultural practices. Rice diversity is also related to the elevation. Japonica varieties with round grain are dominate at the elevations above 1,200 m. Indica varieties with slender grains were found below 1,200 m and both types are grown at elevations between 400 and 1,200 m. Landraces collected in the Chitral district are either broadcasted or transplanted, each group showing distinct differences in seed and germination characteristics. Many landraces have disappeared from northern Pakistan and they were replaced with improved varieties during the past decade. Seeds are preserved at the National Genebank of NIAR and PGRI-PARC and available for distribution.