The relationship of fresh weight, dry weight, volume, volume density (fresh weight per volume), respiratory rate, and water content of cassava cuttings taken from upper, middle, and lower parts of stems of the mother plants at different ages to the germination ability of the cuttings planted was examined, using two varieties of different plant type, both in dry and rainy seasons.
The germination ability as expressed by the survival rate of the cuttings was positively correlated with the volume density, volume, and fresh weight. The respiratory rate showed a negative correlation, and the water content no correlation.
Multiple regression analysis showed that the leading factors determining the survival rate were the volume density, fresh weight and volume of cuttings in the dry season and the volume density in the rainy season. Thus, the volume density was the main determinant of the germination ability in both seasons. It can be recommended that cassava planting materials should be taken from the middle and lower parts of the stems showing the volume density of more than 0.8 g/cm3, which approximately corresponded to the survival rate of 80% in both seasons.