Analysis of the Nutritional Composition of Aquatic Species Toward Nutritional Improvement in a Lao PDR Rural Area

JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA0068709X
Nine species of fish (Clarias batrachus, Clarias microcephalus, Anabas testudineus, Henicorhynchus siamensis, Puntius brevis, Rasbora aurotaenia, Channa striata, Channa gachua, and Esomus metallicus), and three types of shellfish (Viviparidae spp., Pomacea spp., and Unionidae spp.) available in Nameuang Village and in the capital city Vientiane of Lao People’s Democratic Republic were analyzed in terms of nutritional composition to investigate their value as food resources with the aim of improving the nutritional status in rural areas of the country. A total of 35 types of fish and shellfish were consumed in the surveyed village. Some species of fish had a high protein content (19–20 g/100 g sample) and quality (e.g., lysine content = 1,750–1,870 mg/g sample and 93.8– 97.9 mg/g protein). Their protein qualities were endorsed by amino acid score (amino scid score 100). These results suggest that the analyzed aquatic animals have high nutrient quality and are efficient/indispensable food resources for improving the nutritional status of the rural population of the country
作成者 Kaori FUJITA Masataka SAITO Bounsong VONGVICHITH Katsumi HASADA Philavanh BOUTSAVATH Xaypunya MAHATHILATH Shinsuke MORIOKA
著者キーワード aquatic animals fish and shellfish nutritional value Lao People’s Democratic Republic rural area
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
受付日 2018-10-19
受理日 2018-12-27
開始ページ 191
終了ページ 199
DOI 10.6090/jarq.53.191
言語 eng
