Rootstocks for satsuma mandarin: Satsuma mandarin trees on trifoliate rootstocks grew rapidly and yielded comparatively large crops in their first several years. The expansion of the canopy slowed down as the crop increased and the trees maintained small canopies. This combination resulted in less biennial bearing tendency and produced fruit of advanced rind color and higher Brix. Rusk citrange gave the second best performance.
Rootstocks for Ponkan: Tatter leaf infected Ponkan trees on trifoliate rootstocks lost their vigor and fruit production was decreased. In the case of tatter leaf free Ponkan trees, trifoliate can compete with Yuzu in tree growth and fruit production. Trifoliate rooted Ponkan trees produced fruit of advanced color and higher Brix.
Rootstocks for Iyo: Otani Iyo was grafted on 14 rootstock varieties and tested for 6 years. Trifoliate, broad-leaved-trifoliate and Shiikuwasha were judged as promising from the view point of tree growth, yield, fruit quality and resistance to tristesa virus. The trees on trifoliate and broad-leaved-trifoliate were prolific and produced fruit of excellent quality. Trees on Shiikuwasha were vigorous and productive.