Food Security in Asia : A Demand Side Analysis
JIRCAS international symposium series
ISSN | 13406108 |
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) | AA1100908X |

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This paper analyzes the food security issues facing selected Asian countries. The study focuses on the demand side perspective. Specifically, the conflicting evidence on (1) the historical levels of per capita meat consumption among Asian countries and (2) the estimation of income elasticity of grain demand in China is used to illustrate the uncertainties about future food demand prediction and their implications for food security in Asia.
作成者 | Wen S. Chern |
公開者 | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
オンライン掲載日 | |
号 | 6 |
開始ページ | 1 |
終了ページ | 12 |
言語 | eng |