Research Contributing to Poverty Reduction, Nutrition Improvement, and Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture in Madagascar — JIRCAS Project Provisionally Selected for SATREPS Program

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As a newly adopted research topic (biological resources field) in FY2020 of SATREPS (International Science and Technology Cooperation Program for Responding to Global Issues), which is jointly implemented by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Agricultural Research's proposed project was accepted with some conditions.

A proposed project by JIRCAS in the field of bioresources has been provisionally accepted with conditions* for the FY2024 Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) program, which is jointly implemented by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

*Temporary measures until an agreement is reached in working-level discussions with the partner country institution and the joint research can officially begin.

Title of Research Project: Creating Sustainable and Diversified Rice Farming System that Simultaneously Achieves Zero-hunger and Zero-emission

Principal Investigator: TSUJIMOTO Yasuhiro, Project Leader, Crop, Livestock and Environment Division

Main Partner Institution: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Republic of Madagascar

Summary of the Research Topic:
This research, which focuses on Madagascar, aims to provide technical solutions to increase crop productivity and diversity in rice paddies, which are the basic agricultural land in Madagascar, and provide scientific evidence on the impact of deforestation on rice production. The results will help inform outreach activities and policy decisions. We will demonstrate that the negative cycle of unstable agricultural production and environmental impacts can be halted and transformed to a sustainable food production system. Specifically, we will (1) develop advanced paddy field utilization methods that increase productivity and diversity while reducing the amount of chemical fertilizers applied and greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields, with P-dipping, a locally applied fertilization technique for paddy rice as the technological pillar, (2) develop microbial utilization technologies that promote the growth of vegetables and beans in  paddy fields, (3) establish dissemination methods for the developed technologies and conduct an impact assessment, and (4) perform a quantitative evaluation of forest functions to support stable paddy field production. The project is expected to contribute to poverty reduction, nutrition improvement, and the promotion of sustainable agriculture in Africa by having the practical results obtained disseminated both domestically and internationally.

SATREPS is a Japanese government program implemented as part of strengthening "science and technology diplomacy" and promotes international joint research on global-scale issues based on the needs of developing countries. Through the activities of SATREPS, including the newly selected project above, JIRCAS will actively respond to the SDGs and contribute to the international community by solving global-scale issues through international joint research.


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