Dr. KAWAI Kiyosada of the Forestry Division was honored with the 12th (2024) Young Scholar Award of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ Suzuki Award) at the 71st Annual Meeting of ESJ held at Yokohama National University on March 16-21, 2024.
The ESJ Suzuki Award recognizes young researchers who are expected to develop outstanding research within four years after obtaining their degrees.
Dr. Kawai has been investigating the functional significance of tissue traits in tree leaves and xylem using a combination of anatomical methods and physiological measurements. He examined the relationship between xylem traits and water passage and storage functions in tropical and subtropical trees, and the relationship between soft tissue traits and drought tolerance strategies in arid areas. For his outstanding achievements in the field of evaluating vascular plant functional traits, he was chosen to receive the ESJ Suzuki Award, and is expected to continue to make further contributions in this important field in the future.
Recipients of The Young Scholar Award of the Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ Suzuki Award)
Reason for selection (In Japanese)