- JIRCAS ReportSenior Researcher HASADA Katsumi receives the Japan Society of Regional and Agricultural Development (JASRAD) Encouragement Award for Food Security Research in Laos( )
- JIRCAS ReportTARF Researcher Takaragawa and Senior Researcher Matsuda Receive the 22nd Japan Crop Science Society Paper Award( )
- JIRCAS ReportDr. MSH Mandal, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at JIRCAS, receives the 28th Kira Award (Outstanding Young Researcher Category) from the Japanese Society of Tropical Ecology( )
- JIRCAS ReportSenior Researcher NISHIGAKI Tomohiro of the Crop, Livestock and Environment Division Wins the 43rd Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Award( )
- JIRCAS ReportDr. Guntur Venkata Subbarao, Senior Researcher, JIRCAS receives the Niigata International Food Award Grand Prix( )
- JIRCAS ReportForestry Division Researcher KAWAI Kiyosada Receives the 12th (2024) Young Scholar Award (Suzuki Award) from the Ecological Society of Japan( )
- JIRCAS ReportSenior Researcher SASAKI Kazuhiro and Colleagues Win Best Paper Award from the Crop Science Society of Japan( )
- JIRCAS ReportPI Sarr and Colleagues Receive Best Presentation Award for Applied Research at SAT Technology Showcase 2024( )
- JIRCAS ReportRural Development Division Director Shindo Receives 2023 PAWEES International Award( )
- JIRCAS ReportResearcher Iwasaki Receives JSSSPN Best Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist( )
- JIRCAS ReportJIRCAS Receives Four Academic Awards from the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering( )
- JIRCAS ReportJIRCAS' Outstanding Contribution Recognized at 2023 Science and Technology Fair in Thailand( )
- JIRCAS ReportSenior Researcher Kashiwa Receives “Young Scientist Award" at World Soybean Research Conference( )
- JIRCAS ReportThree TARF Staff Members Receive the MEXT Award for Creativity( )
- JIRCAS ReportRural Development Division Director Shindo Receives 2023 JAICABE Fellow Award( )
- JIRCAS ReportResearcher Muraoka and Colleagues Win Best Paper Award at the 11th ASAE International Conference( )
- JIRCAS ReportProject Leader Tsujimoto et al. Win Japanese Society of Crop Science Best Paper Award( )
- JIRCAS ReportSenior Researcher MAENO Kotaro Receives 19th JSPS Prize at the Award Ceremony( )
- JIRCAS ReportProject Leader Marcy Wilder Wins Japan Prize of Agricultural Science / Yomiuri Prize of Agricultural Science( )
- JIRCAS ReportCeremony Celebrates Senior Researcher MAENO Kotaro’s 2020 Chinguitt Prize for Science and Technology( )