Researcher Iwasaki Receives JSSSPN Best Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist

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Dr. IWASAKI Shin-ya, Researcher in the Rural Development Division, received the Best Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist at the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (JSSSPN) held at Ehime University.

Dr. IWASAKI Shinya, Researcher in the Rural Development Division, received the Best Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientists at the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (JSSSPN) held at Ehime University on September 12-14, 2023. The winning presentation was for his research entitled "Effect of tillage method and manure management on soil carbon and physicochemical properties in corn fields in Central Thailand" (Co-authors: Tancharoen Somrutai, Luanmanee Suphakarn, Nobuntou Wanida, and Naruo Matsumoto).

Soil carbon sequestration has attracted attention as a climate change mitigation measure, sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide in the soil. In the tropics, where low-fertility soils are widespread, soil carbon sequestration is essential for establishing sustainable agriculture because it improves soil fertility and contributes to stable and improved crop yields.

In his award-winning research, Dr. Iwasaki clarified the effects of soil carbon sequestration and crop yield in tropical soils through a combination of tillage/no-tillage, chemical fertilizer application, and organic matter application, and presented a fertilizer management method to maximize soil carbon sequestration.


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