JIRCAS Co-organizes International Seminar on Teak Clonal Forestry in Indonesia

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Adaptive forestry

JIRCAS and the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) co-organized an international seminar titled “Improving the clonal teak plantation for sustainable management of monsoon forest” in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on October 2-4, 2023.

JIRCAS and the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) co-organized an international seminar titled “Improving the clonal teak plantation for sustainable management of monsoon forest” in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on October 2-4, 2023.

The seminar brought together researchers from Japan, Thailand, Laos, the Philippines, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries. Research presentations from each country covered not only the latest information on teak breeding, but also a wide range of topics such as pests and diseases, wood quality, and applications in agroforestry, among others.

From JIRCAS, Dr. TANI Naoki, Senior Researcher in the Forestry Division, presented the results of teak breeding being conducted in the “Adaptive forestry” project in collaboration with the Royal Forest Department of Thailand. Presentations were also made by JIRCAS collaborating research institutes in Indonesia, Thailand, and Laos. Senior Researcher TANAKA Kenzo and Researcher KAWAI Kiyosada of the Forestry Division also participated and actively engaged in exchange of information with related researchers.

On the last day, a field workshop was held at a teak test plantation and nursery established by the Indonesian Forestry Corporation, and the seminar concluded on a high note.


Group photo of international seminar participants

General discussion session participated by Dr. Tani (second from the right)

Field workshop at a teak test plantation site

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