JIRCAS has been implementing the Breakthrough in Nutrient Use Efficiency for Rice by Genetic Improvement and Fertility Sensing Techniques in Africa (Fy Vary Project) in Madagascar within the framework of the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS), an international science and technology cooperation program for global-scale issues. In this project, we have been developing technologies that can efficiently improve rice productivity in production environments with limited nutrients from soil and fertilizer, which are widespread in Africa. To date, the project has developed phosphorus dipping treatment (P-dipping) technology, which can significantly improve rice yields with less fertilizer, and new rice varieties with excellent productivity even in nutrient-deficient environments.
On May 10, 2022, at the completion ceremony of the “Project for Rehabilitation of Irrigation System in South-West of Alaotra Lake”, a grant assistance project by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the President of Madagascar was briefed on new rice varieties (FyVary32 and FyVary85) developed through the Fy Vary Project. The President expressed his high expectations for their high yields and suitability for Madagascar's growing environment. In addition, the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Madagascar, also mentioned the results of the FyVary Project in his speech and expressed his gratitude for the Japanese cooperation. The ceremony was also attended by the Japanese Ambassador to Madagascar and other dignitaries.
Explaining the new rice varieties using pamphlet
From far right, Representative of JICA Madagascar office, President of Madagascar, Ambassador of Japan to Madagascar, and Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Madagascar (Reprinted from the official Facebook page of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Madagascar)