Project Leader Tsujimoto and Collaborators Receive the ACSAC10 Best Presentation Award

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The research results of Project Leader Dr. TSUJIMOTO Yasuhiro and collaborators on the interaction between the effect of phosphorus fertilization and climatic conditions for rice yields, presented by Dr. Bruce Haja Andrianary of the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar, received the Best Presentation Award at the 10th Asian Crop Science Association Conference (ACSAC), which was held online on September 8-10, 2021. 

The research results of Project Leader Dr. TSUJIMOTO Yasuhiro (Crop, Livestock and Environment Division) and collaborators, presented by Dr. Bruce Haja Andrianary of the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar, received the Best Presentation Award at the 10th Asian Crop Science Association Conference (ACSAC10) which was held online on September 8-10, 2021. The presentation titled “The Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Applications on Rice Yield can be Changed by Farmers’ Management Practices —Transplanting Dates and Densities” focused on the interaction between the effect of phosphorus fertilization and climatic conditions in rice cultivation.

The results of the award-winning research provided field evidence that the effect of P application differs depending on the climatic growing conditions. The repeated on-farm trials in the central highlands of Madagascar identified that phosphorus deficiency delayed the heading dates of rice by 6 to 24 days. The prolonged growth duration increased the risk of cold stress at reproductive to ripening stages because temperature declines at the end of the rainy season.  Then the effect of P application was much greater when avoiding cold stress by shortening the growth duration. 

It is well known that phosphorus deficiency delays the development of rice and other plants, but its effects on crop productivity through changes in climatic conditions during the growth period have not been shown. The results obtained in this study are expected to lead to more effective use of phosphorus fertilizers, which are concerned about environmental impact and resource depletion, and may lead to improved phosphorus fertilization efficiency and rice yield.

In addition, on May 12 this year, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) launched the “Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems, MeaDRI” which aims to achieve both improved productivity and sustainability of food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries through innovation. Within this strategy, MAFF also aims to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and the results of this project are expected to contribute to the international development of this strategy.

Part of the results of this research is available in the September 2021 issue of the Field Crops Research journal.

In this study, the effects of different transplanting dates, planting densities, and fertilization methods on rice productivity were repeatedly tested in farmers’ fields in Madagascar.

Dr. Andrianary (third from right) completed his dissertation including the results of this research and was awarded the PhD degree from the University of Antananarivo (Project Leader Tsujimoto is second from right).

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