Liaison Office
FAO TCP Facility Project Workshop

-- Crop Supply and Demand Analysis in Cambodia and Laos
In order to contribute to investment planning and policy-making related to alleviation of undernourishment and poverty in Cambodian and Laos, JIRCAS and FAO, using general software, have developed an econometric model which can be used by governments. The FAO TCP (Technical Cooperation Programme) Facility Project workshop, hosted by JIRCAS and FAO RAP (Regional Representative for Asia and Pacific) and supported by AFSIS (ASEAN Food Security Information System), was held on July 8, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The workshop brought together about fifty experts of agricultural economics and agricultural statistics from 10 ASEAN countries. The purpose of the workshop is to present the background, structure and analysis results of the model and introduce the model’s?utilization and the possible ways of technique extension. Mr. Vili A. Fuavao, FAO Deputy Regional Representative, said in his opening remarks that the world has to produce more than 70% food to cope with food demand in 2050. Due to the farmland reduction, population growth, slowdown of productivity improvement and climate change, food increase has become a big issue. In order to correctly analyze global food supply and demand, it is important to develop models. Mr. Apichart Jongskulm, the Secretary General of OAE (Office of Agricultural Economics) of Thailand, said in his welcome remarks that correct food supply and demand models have high values not only for researchers but also for policy makers. He also showed high expectations towards the workshop. Mr. Koyama, Director of JIRCAS Research Strategy Office, explained the research history of JIRCAS food supply and demand model, and its current utilization in international organizations such as FAO and IFPRI. He also pointed out that there are some limitations within the model use although the model is considered as a powerful tool to understand food market. In addition, Dr. Prapinwadee Sirisupluxana, Kasetsart University, Thailand, gave the speech on “ASEAN model by FAO GCP (Government Cooperative Programme) Project in 2008” and “Theoretical and Technical Background of Econometric Model”. Dr. Eiichi Kusano, JIRCAS researcher, presented his topics on “Cambodia and Laos Models: Framework and Projection Results” and “Utilization of Study Results for Food Supply and Demand Analyses”. In following session, the experts discussed the model development status and result application in Southeast Asia. In the end, Mr. Hiroyuki Konuma, Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific, gave the closing remarks. He said: FAO food supply and demand model, after supported by Japanese government, now selects Cambodia and Laos as its analysis objects and is trying to make some modification. With the advices from other countries, it is expected that the model can be widely used in ASEAN countries.
Presentation in workshop (Mr. Koyama)
FAO TCP Facility Project Workshop participants