Diversity of Traits Related to Panicle Architecture and Grain Size in Cambodian Rice Germplasm and Newly Developed Mini-core Collection

JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA0068709X

Cambodia has a wealth of rice landraces (traditional varieties) adapted to different ecosystems. These are expected to include diverse genetic resources that could be utilized in the genetic improvement of yield. A detailed investigation of panicle architecture and grain size in 173 Cambodian accessions revealed a wide diversity in these traits. The diversity in improved cultivars (grown mostly in irrigated fields) was clearly reduced in most traits. Although diversity was reduced in the improved cultivars, the superior traits had contributed increasing productivity. On the other hand, the landraces conserved wide diversities. More than 80% of rice cultivation in Cambodia is still rainfed, with uncontrolled and limited access to water and nutrients. Therefore, it is difficult for uniform improved cultivars to adapt to such heterogeneous growing conditions. Although landraces may be inferior to improved cultivars in overall yield performance under favorable conditions, many are superior to improved cultivars in various characteristics. This indicates their value as resources for breeding for an increased yield. To efficiently identify and evaluate them, we developed a mini-core collection of 53 accessions that maintain the diversity of all accessions. The mini-core collection will be valuable for further detail genetic analysis and genetic yield improvement.

作成者 Hiroki SAITO Chhourn ORN Vathany THUN Makara OUK Asami TOMITA Kazuhiro SASAKI Mitsuhiro OBARA Nobuya KOBAYASHI Yoshimichi FUKUTA
著者キーワード breeding improved variety landrace yield
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
受付日 2022-02-22
受理日 2022-04-26
開始ページ 21
終了ページ 35
DOI 10.6090/jarq.57.21
言語 eng
