
ISSN 13406094
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AN10446728
A total of 308 isolates of Magnaporthe grisea collected from rice plants in Yunnan province, China were tested for their mating type and fertility. Of the 79 isolates for which a compatible mating type was identified, 9 isolates belonged to type A and 70 to type a. Isolates with an unknown mating type numbered 229. Mature perithecia and viable ascospores were formed in several cross-combinations by using two isolates pathogenic to rice that belonged to different mating groups. It is considered that the use of fertile rice blast isolates may enable to analyse genetically the characteristics of M. grisea.
別タイトル Distribution and use of fertile rice blast fungus isolated from Yunnan Province in China
作成者 林長生
著者キーワード イネいもち病 イネいもち病菌 交配型 中国 Rice blast disease Pyricularia oryzae Magnaporthe grisea mating type China
公開者 農林水産省国際農林水産業研究センター
資源タイプ Conference Paper
開始ページ 22
終了ページ 33
言語 jpn
