Losses due to rice tungro, coconut cadang-cadang and lethal wilt, sugarcane smut and abaca mosaic and their management were discussed.
Outbreaks of tungro in the 1940s caused an estimated loss of 1.4 million tons of rough rice annually and in the 1971 wet season, 61,000 tons of rough rice valued at US$2.2 million. Losses due to cadang-cadang were US$1.8, US$11, US$25, US$3.5and US$2. 1 million in 1950, 1953, 1957, 1980 and 1987, respectively. Although losses are decreasing, rate of disease increase is still 0.26 - 1.32%/yr. The average number of lethal wilt infected and cut down palms in Oriental Mindoro in the last 6years was l,600 or a loss of 14.3 tons of copra valued at US$5,107. The number of palms killed in 1977 and 1979 was l,524and 2,655, respectively. The national average loss due to sugarcane smut is 10% which is equivalent to about 1.5 million tons of cane or 148,082 tons of sugar. Mosaic caused the downfall of the abaca industry in Mindanao. Of the 49,000 ha of abaca land in the Bicol region in 1987, 4,600 ha were mosaic-affected. The total number of mosaic-infected plants rogued and estimated yield loss were 3.5 million and 925 tons of fiber, respectively. Disease incidence of 80% resulted in 60% fiber yield loss/mo.
Management of these diseases includes the use of resistant or tolerant varieties, use of certified disease-free seeds, eradication of diseased plants, clean culture, and spraying with insecticides against the insect vector(s).