JIRCAS Working Report
ISSN | 1341710X |
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) | AA11159468 |

Heilongjiang Province is located in the northeastern part of China, and rice production in this region is sometimes affected by low temperature due to interannual climate variability. In this research subject, we attempted to construct gridded (mesh) daily meteorological data for developing an early warning system for agricultural meteorological disasters. The mesh meteorological data was created by interpolating the observed data at stations into the gridded mesh which allows us to understand the distribution characteristics of meteorological indices related to crop productivity or damages due to meteorological injuries. We had created the mesh data of whole Mainland China for several selected years and of the areas around Heilongjiang Province in the period from 1994 to 2004 continuously. Using these mesh data, some meteorological indices were calculated for areas of rice cultivated in Heilongjiang Province. The results showed that the areas having serious cold injuries in 2002 were identified clearly by the distribution characteristics of meteorological indices, which suggest that the mesh data have a potential to be the effective tool for rapidly understanding the emergence of meteorological injuries on crop production.
刊行年月日 | |
作成者 | 石郷岡康史 |
巻 | 87 |
開始ページ | 47 |
終了ページ | 52 |
関連するリソース | 部分である : JIRCAS Working Report no.87 |
言語 | jpn |