JIRCAS Newsletter (91)

JIRCAS Newsletter
ISSN 27590933
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AB00045180
  • Foreword
    • p.3 Our Main Tasks under the Fifth Medium to Long-Term Plan
  • Special Feature
    • The Fifth Medium to Long-Term Plan
      • (Program A: Environment)
        p.4 Development of agricultural technologies for climate change, resource recycling and environmental conservation
      • (Program B: Food) 
        p.8 Technology development towards building a new food system with improved productivity, sustainability and resilience
      • (Program C: Information)
        p.12 Strengthening function as an international hub for providing strategic information on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and mobilizing new research partnerships
    • 【Research Highlights】
      • p.14 Elucidating the behavior of desert locust survival in the desert
        ― Realization of predicting behavior using a constructed model ―
      • p.14 “More ammonium” in farmlands is key to mitigate nitrogen pollution and boost crop yields
      • p.15 World’s first discovery of a biological nitrification inhibitor in maize roots ―
        First step to reducing nitrogen fertilization application and making the earth healthier
      • p.15 Evaluating the effectiveness of greenhouse gas reduction in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam 
        ― Integrated rice and beef production systems reduce GHG emissions by 22% ―
    • 【JIRCAS Open House 2021 held online】p.16
    • 【JIRCAS is now on Twitter!】p.16
作成者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
国立情報学研究所メタデータ主題語彙集(資源タイプ) Article
言語 eng
