JIRCAS Newsletter(78)

JIRCAS Newsletter
ISSN 09198822
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA11015118
JIRCAS NewsLetter No.78 cover
  • 2p. Foreword: Why “Quality” Matters in International Agriculture Research?
  • 3p. Keynote Speech: Harnessing agricultural biodiversity for improved nutritional quality, more effective climate change adaptation and better rural livelihoods
  • 4p. Keynote Speech: Why the Quality of Growth Matter? - from JICA’s experiences
  • 5p. Session A: Researches for climate-resilient and sustainable agriculture
  • 6p. To establish an agricultural system which harmonizes human life with the environment through smart use of rural resources in a regional environment - JIRCAS’s climate change initiatives for the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
  • 7p. Session B: Approaches to enhance stable food production and consumption in Africa
  • 8p. A way to strengthen the role of cowpea in West Africa
  • 9p. Session C: Evaluation of the various uses of indigenous resources and establishment of value chains in Asia
  • 10p. Uses of non-timber forest products in Lao PDR and their values
作成者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
