JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly vol. 9 no.4
Significance of Grain/Straw Ratio in Rice Breeding
RYUJI ITO, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 181-190 (1975-10-01)
09-4-181-190.pdf1.43 MB
Role of Anion in Controlling Mineral Ion Concentration of the Soil Solution
HIDEO OKAJIMA, HIROKI IMAI, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 191-197 (1975-10-01)
09-4-191-197.pdf1.15 MB
Studies on the Anastomosis Groups of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn
AKIRA OGOSHI, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 198-203 (1975-10-01)
09-4-198-203.pdf984.06 KB
Improvement of Harrowing Effect and Stubble Treatment of Rotary Tillers
TOSHIO FURUCHI, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 204-207 (1975-10-01)
09-4-204-207.pdf685.65 KB
Climatic Environment Adapted to Tropical and Subtropical Crops
YUKIO NAKAGAWA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 208-211 (1975-10-01)
09-4-208-211.pdf689.74 KB
Breeding for Disease Resistance of Vegetable Crops in Japan : Part I Cucurbits
TAKEO KAWAIDE, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 212-216 (1975-10-01)
09-4-212-216.pdf1.08 MB
Swine Vesicular Disease Appeared in Japan
GOICHI TOKUDA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 217-220 (1975-10-01)
09-4-217-220.pdf773.47 KB
Role of Toxoplasma Oocysts for Spread of Swine Toxoplasmosis
SHINGO ITO, KIYOSHI TSUNODA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 221-224 (1975-10-01)
09-4-221-224.pdf771.11 KB
Pathways of Carbohydrate in the Bovine Endometrial-Chorionic Unit as an Embryonic Nutrient
TETSUYUKI SUGA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 225-230 (1975-10-01)
09-4-225-230.pdf992.48 KB
Fattening Performance of Cattle in Thailand
TERUO UENO, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 231-234 (1975-10-01)
09-4-231-234.pdf797.61 KB
International Symposium on Water Management in Rice Fields
, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 235-239 (1975-10-01)
09-4-235-239.pdf1006.76 KB
Dry matter production of tropical grasses and legumes in Thailand
MASAO HOSHINO , SHIGERU ONO , NITTAYA SIRIKIRATAYANOND, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 240-243 (1975-10-01)
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Flowering season and seed storage of dipterocarps
CHOZABURO TAMARI, HON TAT TANG, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 9(4) , 244-246 (1975-10-01)
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