Recent Advances and Problems in Malting Barley Breeding in Japan
ISSN | 00213551 |
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) | AA0068709X |
Malting barley breeding in Japan has witnessed major changes in the past 15 years. Breeding research programs to identify agronomical and quality-related problems, including the spread of new strains of the barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV), the excessive degradation of malt protein, and environmental stresses such as frost damage, wet-injury and grain damages (hull-crack and ventral swelling) have been introduced with consideration to the situation of malting barley production in Japan. Further, promising high-quality breeding lines such as lipoxygenase deficient lines and those with extremely high diastatic power or low protein content have also been described.
刊行年月日 | |
作成者 | NAGAMINE Takashi KATO Tsuneo |
著者キーワード |
barley yellow mosaic virus diastatic power lipoxygenase marker assisted selection resistance |
公開者 | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
オンライン掲載日 | |
国立情報学研究所メタデータ主題語彙集(資源タイプ) | Journal Article |
巻 | 42 |
号 | 4 |
開始ページ | 237 |
終了ページ | 243 |
DOI | 10.6090/jarq.42.237 |
権利 | Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences |
言語 | eng |