Runoff Characteristics in a Tropical Rain Forest Catchment

JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA0068709X
39-03-10.pdf179.88 KB

Knowledge of runoff characteristics plays an important role in managing the function of water conservation in the forests. Hydrological observation was conducted at Bukit Tarek Experimental Watershed (BTEW) of a tropical rain forest in Peninsular Malaysia. Stormflow, groundwater recession and stream regimen characteristics were analyzed based on 3-y (1992-1994) of record. Small storm events (< 30 mm) produced less than 10% of rainfall as stormflow, which may have been determined in the stream channel and riparian areas. The stormflow depended strongly on the antecedent wetness as represented by the antecedent flow rate during large storm events (≥ 30 mm). The depth and physical properties of soils could be important factors to determine production of stormflow. The discharge-duration curves were different among 1992, 1993 and 1994 because of the differences of variation in rainfall (e.g. monthly distribution) and annual rainfall. The relationship between ratio of plentiful runoff to scanty runoff and recession coefficient at BTEW was similar to the results from watershed underlain by the same geology in Japan. These results imply that soil, variation in rainfall, as well as annual rainfall and geology are important factors to understand runoff characteristics.

作成者 NOGUCHI Shoji NIK Abdul Rahim TANI Makoto

Bukit Tarek Experimental Watershed

groundwater recession

Peninsular Malaysia


stream regimen characteristics

公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
国立情報学研究所メタデータ主題語彙集(資源タイプ) Journal Article
開始ページ 215
終了ページ 219
DOI 10.6090/jarq.39.215
権利 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
言語 eng
