Impacts of Inflow Loadings from Heavy Rainfall on Cyanobacteria Overgrowth in Nitrogen-Limited Reservoirs through Field Observation and Numerical Simulation

JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA0068709X
This study presents significant insights into the impact of nitrogen and phosphorus inflow loadings from agricultural activities on phytoplankton proliferation in a hypertrophic reservoir. Over two years, the study meticulously examined seasonal variations in phytoplankton, the dominance of algae species, and nitrogen and phosphorus levels in a reservoir prone to cyanobacterial blooms. The findings revealed that the reservoir was hypertrophic under nitrogen limitation, with temporal nitrogen loadings being the primary cause of algal abnormalities. Cyanobacteria, particularly sensitive to temporary nitrate-nitrogen increases triggered by heavy rainfall, dominated during the study period. A robust ecosystem model, validated through observational data, showed good reproducibility of results. It successfully anticipated shifts in phytoplankton growth patterns, successfully replicating the abnormal proliferation of several algae species. By conducting different nutrient loading scenarios, the research highlighted the crucial role of nitrogen reduction in curbing phytoplankton growth, especially in nitrogen-limited reservoirs. In environments facing severe nitrogen limitation, a simplified ecosystem model proved valuable, aiding in predicting seasonal phytoplankton changes. This study underscores the necessity of accurately identifying limiting factors and implementing targeted strategies to effectively mitigate algal blooms in eutrophic water bodies.
作成者 Tran Thi Lan HUONG Toshinori TABATA Masayoshi HARADA Akinori OZAKI Bui Quoc LAP
著者キーワード ecosystem model hypertrophic reservoir nutrients phytoplankton scenario analysis
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
受付日 2023-12-06
受理日 2024-05-14
開始ページ 39
終了ページ 54
DOI 10690/jarq.59.39
言語 eng
