Bioethanol Production from Various Plant Materials via Solid-state Fermentation

JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA0068709X

Previously, we have reported a novel bioethanol production system based on solid-state fermentation (SSF) and forage rice, which is used in a silage-making process. In this study, we evaluated the productivity of valuable materials via SSF using various plant materials other than forage rice. Italian ryegrass, sorghum, cassava, and other plant materials are also promising for SSF. Laboratory-scale SSF experiments using raw materials of Italian ryegrass yielded a maximum of 99 mg/g of dry matter of ethanol and other valuable materials (organic acids and soluble sugars). The conversion rates were almost the same as that of the forage rice. The nutritional value of the fermented products as livestock feed either improved or was similar to that of silage.

作成者 Mitsuo HORITA Takako KIYOSHI
著者キーワード bioethanol conversion rate lactic acid nutritional value silage
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
受付日 2021-11-30
受理日 2022-01-18
開始ページ 405
終了ページ 412
DOI 10.6090/jarq.56.405
言語 eng
