Efficacy of Poultry By-product Meal as an Effective Alternative to Fish Meal in Aquaculture Feed for Milkfish Chanos chanos

JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
ISSN 00213551
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA0068709X

We verified the efficiency of poultry by-product meal (PBM) as a substitute for fish meal (FM) in feed for juvenile milkfish (Chanos chanos). Juveniles (mean 48.0 g) were fed for 12 weeks with two experimental feeds containing different levels of PBM (8.0% and 12%), FM (10% and 5.0%), and cod liver oil (fish oil or FO, 4.0% and 3.8%). A feed without PBM having higher levels of FM and FO (20% and 4.5%, respectively) was used as control. Weight gain, specific growth rate, and feed conversion ratio were not significantly affected by the levels of dietary PBM. In addition, no significant differences were detected among the dietary groups in plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol, phospholipid, glucose, or total protein concentrations. Furthermore, crude protein, crude fat, moisture, and ash contents in the whole body, liver, and dorsal muscle were not significantly influenced by the dietary treatments. The results of organoleptic examinations that included tests of smell, flavor, and texture were almost the same among the dietary groups. These results indicated that PBM is the applicable substitute for FM, with performance of the high PBM feed (PBM-FM-FO = 12%-5.0%-3.8%) being comparable to that of the control feed.

作成者 Tsuyoshi SUGITA Amafe Belleza GAVILE Joemel Gentelizo SUMBING
著者キーワード feed conversion ratio fish oil specific growth rate taste weight gain
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
受付日 2019-02-26
受理日 2019-08-15
開始ページ 277
終了ページ 284
DOI 10.6090/jarq.54.277
言語 eng
