Immature seeds of Dolichos lablab, Phaseolus vulgaris, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, and Vigna sesquipedalis of the tribe Phaseoleae and those of Lathyrus odoratus, Pisum sativum, and Vicia faba of the tribe Viciae were analyzed for endogenous GAs. The acidic ethyl acetate fractions were subjected to TLC. Part of each eluate from TLC was tested in the rice seedling bioassay. The remainder of biologically active eluate of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus was analyzed by combined gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring. GA1 was identified as a major endogenous GA of immature seeds of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus. Members of the Phaseoleae contained C-3-hydroxy GAs which are active in both Tan-ginbozu and Waito-C assay. But GAs in immature seeds of the Viciae were found not to be hydroxylated at C-3 using rice seedling bioassay.