During the summer season in Okinawa, vegetable production is used to be reduced to a low level, due to typhoons, high temperature, pests, and diseases. A large quantity of vegetables are imported from the highlands in mainland Japan, and consumed at considerably high expense.
On the other hand, however, some local vegetables can be grown well in this area. As these vegetables and their varieties seem to have tolerance and adaptability to the severe conditions, characteristics of local varieties of oriental pickling melon was compared with cucumber.
Growth of oriental pickling melon was more vigorous and rapid. The plants were characterized by more lateral shoots and smaller leaves as compared to cucumber, compact plant-type, high creeping vines, earliness of harvest and high yield ability. The quality and taste of fruit were also good.
These characteristics are better than those of several cucurbits introduced from mainland Japan or continental China. The fruit can be harvested earliest among the cucurbits examined. Especially, "Ōhama", collected in Ishigaki Island, was found to be the best variety as for yield and quality, and can be used as a better vegetable than cucumber. It can also be employed as a useful breeding material. This result indicates the importance of re-evaluation of local varieties.