JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly vol. 17 no.4
Production and Distribution of Dry Matter as a Basis of Sugar Beet Yields
YOICHI IZUMIYAMA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 219-224 (1984-03-01)
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Phylogenetic Relationship and Classification of Vigna radiata-mungo Complex
SHOJI MIYAZAKI, JUN-ICHIRO KAWAKAMI, NARIYUKI ISHIKURA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 225-229 (1984-03-01)
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Biometrical Analysis and Estimation of the Number of Genes for Seed Protein Content of Soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill.
TERUO ISHIGE, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 230-235 (1984-03-01)
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A Rapid Method for Determining Major Constituents in Soils by X-Ray Emission Spectrometry with a Glass Beads Technique
SHIN-ICHI YAMASAKI, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 236-241 (1984-03-01)
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Effect of Long-Term Heavy Application of Fresh Farmyard Manure on Yield and Nutrient Status of Forage Crops
YUJIRO ITO, KAZUO MIYAZAWA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 242-247 (1984-03-01)
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Performance of a New Up-Cut Rotary Tiller with Rake-Type Filtering Screen
MOTOMU KARAHASHI, KUNIO MORIMOTO, KENJI SEYAMA, SHIGERU YAGI, KYOSHIRO MIURA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 248-254 (1984-03-01)
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Induced Mutation for Resistance to Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus
YASUO UKAI, ATSUSHI YAMASHITA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 255-259 (1984-03-01)
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Flowering Control in Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)
FUMIO IKEGAYA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 260-268 (1984-03-01)
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Econometric Analysis of South Sea and USSR Log Market in Japan
KIYOSHI YUKUTAKE, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 269-279 (1984-03-01)
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Historical Aspect of Selective Cutting Work in Japan and an Experiment on Selective Cutting of Sugi Forest
KAZUO TSUZUKI, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 280-284 (1984-03-01)
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International Symposium on Soybean
, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 285-291 (1984-03-01)
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Soil Structural Index as a Measure of Bearing Strength of Clayey Lowland Soils
TŌRU KUBOTA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 292-299 (1984-03-01)
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Phyllody Disease of Some Legumes in Thailand : I. Mycoplasma-like organisms associated with phyllody of peanut, soybean, mungbean and winged bean
SURAPEE KIRATIYA-ANGUL, TOSHIHIRO SEMBOKU, NUANCHAN DEEMA, JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 17(4) , 300-303 (1984-03-01)
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