Development and Utilization of Agro-Ecological Zones in Indonesia Using GIS

JIRCAS international symposium series
ISSN 13406108
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA1100908X
The Center for Soil and Agro-climate Research (CSAR) is actively applying Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology in conjunction with the Agro-Ecological Zoning based on Soil-Climate Database Management (SDBM). Within this framework, an integrated evaluation methodology for physical land resources information using relational databases and GIS is being developed to facilitate the process of agro-ecological zoning on a reconnaissance (1:250,000) scale. In most of the provinces, the relevant soil and physical land resources data are systematically collected and stored in specifically structured and designed databases. The spatial distribution is recorded using different land resources and topographic base maps. Structural expert system is used in developing models for the agro-ecological zones in each province, which correspond to the area already selected as a link to the land use objectives based on non-spatial physical parameters. GIS operations and techniques are used for enhancing and updating the agro-ecological zoning procedures and presentation of the results. In the future, for detailed zoning, it is suggested that the land characteristics at a semi-detailed or detailed level, farming systems, and socio-economic pattern of farming systems should be incorporated.
作成者 Kusumo Nugroho A. Abdurachman Le Istiqlal Amien
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
開始ページ 69
終了ページ 78
言語 eng
