Technology for Conservation of Soil and Water Resources in China

JIRCAS international symposium series
ISSN 13406108
書誌レコードID(総合目録DB) AA1100908X
According to our long-term practical experience, the technological system for soil and water conservation in China should include mainly three aspects : technology for soil erosion research, engineering technology and biological technology for soil and water conservation. The technologies for soil erosion research include technology for slope runoff (solid and liquid) measurement, artificial rain simulation for soil and water loss measurement and monitoring of soil moisture dynamics, use of Cesium-137 for measuring underwater silt and sand deposition and soil loss, use of remote sensing and GIS, and technology for small river basin harnessing. The engineering technologies for soil and water conservation include technology for gentle and bare slope rehabilitation in the hilly regions, technology for making stony-hill land green, technology for colluvial deposit management, technology for alleviating mud and sand hazard, and technology for setting up erosion prevention systems in gully and sloping regions as well as around roads, etc. The biological technologies for soil and water conservation include erosion control in gullies by planting crops resistant to infertile soils and on sloping land by planting biological fences, technology for developing biologically and economically sound reserves in eroded area, water conservation in sloping cultivated land through intercropping and under-crop sowing, technology for making land green by planting microorganism-inoculated green manure crops, and technology for designing sight-seeing areas in eroded regions by planting special crops, etc. All the above technologies may bring about beneficial effects on soil and water loss prevention if used comprehensively.
作成者 Zhao Qi-guo
公開者 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences
開始ページ 99
終了ページ 104
言語 eng
