Second-year students from the Math and Science Department of Chiba Prefectural Sawara High School visit JIRCAS

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On July 5, 2024 (Fri), 30 second-year students and three teachers from the Math and Science Department of Chiba Prefectural Sawara High School visited JIRCAS as part of their Tsukuba Science Tour.

On July 5, 2024 (Fri), 30 second-year students and three teachers from the Math and Science Department of Chiba Prefectural Sawara High School visited JIRCAS as part of their Tsukuba Science Tour.

First, they were briefed on the importance of research in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, as well as the food and environmental issues faced by developing regions. The researchers also discussed with the students how the research activities conducted by JIRCAS in collaboration with partner institutions around the world can contribute to solving these problems and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Next, Dr. MARUI Junichiro (Senior Researcher, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division) introduced fermented foods commonly consumed in various parts of Asia and compared them with traditional Japanese fermented foods. The students listened with great interest, asking questions as Dr. Marui explained his fieldwork with local people to understand the characteristics of fermented foods and their production methods across Asia, as well as the scientific techniques used for quality stabilization.

During the lecture, students experienced the smell of "Padaek," a fermented food made in Laos. Their curiosity led to many questions about the taste and functionality of fermented foods across Asia, demonstrating their interest in scientific approaches through experiments and analysis.

By exposing students to JIRCAS’s collaborative research and technological development with global partners, we hope to broaden the foundation for cultivating scientific and technological innovation among future talents and professionals with a global perspective.

You can watch Dr. Marui’s mini-lecture, titled "Delicious and Useful: Research on Fermented Foods," on the "JIRCAS channel" On YouTube.

mini-lecture video, “Delicious and Useful: Research on Fermented Foods”

Dr. Marui sharing with students the importance and enjoyment of doing research


Students experiencing the smell of "Padaek"

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