The Republic of Niger is located in the Sahel region on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert in west Africa. President Issoufou Mahamadou is promoting the “3N Initiative”, a food production program by the people of Niger and for the people of Niger, that he supervises directly. The President expressed his appreciation to the research activities of JIRCAS in the past that has contributed in improving soil fertility and water use efficiency in Niger, and deep disappointment that any activity couldn’t be implemented due to security concerns. After consultation with the Japanese government, the President expressed his desire to resume cooperation with JIRCAS as soon as possible. In response, Pres. Iwanaga reaffirmed that JIRCAS would be willing to pursue collaboration on sustainable resource management and contribute to food security in Niger.
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The President of the Republic of Niger, Mr. Issoufou Mahamadou met with JIRCAS President, Dr. Masa Iwanaga on August 27, 2019 for a bilateral discussion on collaborations that are useful for agricultural development to achieve food security in Niger.