JIRCAS at the First IFNA Steering Committee Meeting

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The First Steering Committee (SC) Meeting for the Initiative for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa (IFNA) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on May 17, 2017, and JIRCAS participated as a steering committee member.

The First Steering Committee (SC) Meeting for the Initiative for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa (IFNA) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on May 17, 2017, and JIRCAS participated as a steering committee member.

The committee discussed critical issues on IFNA’s management and the implementation plan and proposed the role and significance of IFNA to support the institutional and capacity-building aspects of multi-sector nutrition initiatives in the 10 target countries.

In addition to JIRCAS, the Steering Committee consists of international organizations related to food and nutrition, including the African Development Bank (AfDB), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Bank (WB), World Food Programme (WFP) and World Health Organization (WHO).

The First IFNA Partners Meeting was held on May 18-19 with the participation of ministers from target countries and private companies from Africa.

IFNA First Steering Committee Meeting

Pres. Iwanaga represented JIRCAS

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