JIRCAS Report - Ghana
Senior Researcher Koide Junji Receives 18th Young Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Researcher Award for 2022
JIRCAS Senior Researcher, Dr. Koide Junji of the Social Sciences Division, received the Young Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Researcher Award for 2022 for his work on development of a versatile agricultural management planning model for small-scale farmers.
JIRCAS Publishes BFMgh and BFMbf, Support Programs for Farm Management Planning Targeting Ghana and Burkina Faso
The farm management planning support programs, Builder of Farming Model — BFMgh and BFMbf, have been developed and released to efficiently support decision making, including technology selection, by smallholder farmers in Ghana and Burkina Faso.
Manual for Development of Low Cost Water Facilities in Africa Published
In Africa, most drainage channels in paddy fields constructed by farmers are earth canals, which are easily eroded by strong rains and running water, and result in diminishment of canal functions. We have published a manual that introduces inexpensive reinforcement measures for irrigation canals (reinforcement using cover-plants, wooden fence, and soil bricks) that can be implemented by farmers.
JIRCAS researcher receives “Best Paper Award” from the Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture
Dr. Satoshi Nakamura, researcher of the Crop, Livestock and Environment Division, received the “Best Paper Award” from the Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture for his paper entitled “Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Lowland Rice Production in Ghana - Farmer's Perspectives and Soil Physicochemical Properties - ” published in the journal Tropical Agriculture and Development.
Directors of Agricultural Research Institutes in Africa Visit JIRCAS
The heads of 5 agricultural research institutes from Africa, namely, Dr. Famoï Béavogui, Director of Agricultural Research Institute of Guinea (IRAG); Dr. Alioune Fall, Director of Senegal Agricultural Research Institute (ISRA); Dr. Joseph G. Mureithi, Deputy Director of Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO); and Dr. Robert B. Zougmore, African Regional Leader of the Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), together with Dr. Regina Sagoe West, Senior Researcher at Crop Research Institute (CSIR-CRI) and Coordinator of West African Agricultural Production Program (WAAPP) of the International Research Center for Semiarid Tropical Crops (ICRISAT), visited JIRCAS on August 28, 2017.
Workshop “Collaborative Research Activities of JIRCAS in Ghana -Technologies to enhance rice production and to improve Savanna agriculture in Africa with various approaches-”
JIRCAS organized a workshop titled “Collaborative Research Activities of JIRCAS in Ghana -Technologies to enhance rice production and to improve Savanna agriculture in Africa with various approaches-” on 27th September 2012 to celebrate the third anniversary of the JIRCAS-Africa Liaison Office in Accra, Ghana. The workshop began with a presentation outlining its main research activities, followed by the introduction of individual research activities by JIRCAS and other related projects in Ghana. It was attended by many researchers from JIRCAS as well as from related organizations based in Ghana.
JIRCAS has implemented four research projects in Ghana during these three years of collaboration (from July 2009) with African countries. These projects are as follows: (i) Development of improved infrastructure and technologies for rice production in Africa (DIITRPA); (ii) Improvement of soil fertility with use of indigenous resources in rice systems of Sub-Saharan Africa; (iii) Development of low-input rice cultivation system in flood-plains in Africa (FPR, as a feasibility study) and (iv) Development of fish farming in Africa.
First International Workshop on "Sawah" Eco-techonology and Rice Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) has been conducting a research study since 2008 on, “Development of Improved Infrastructure and Technologies for Rice Production in Africa (DIITRPA)”, a project financially supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan.