In conjunction with the ScienceQ program of Tsukuba Science City, Dr. Kotaro Maeno, Researcher of the Crop, Livestock and Environment Division gave an on-site lesson to pupils of Kurihara Elementary School on January 17, 2019. The lecture focused on harmful insects including the so-called “black devil” insects and migratory locusts that cause serious damage to agricultural production worldwide. ScienceQ is an event organized by the Tsukuba Science City, where researchers from research institutions in Tsukuba visit schools to promote science and technology to students at the elementary and junior high school level. Dr. Maeno also talked about the migratory locusts that inhabit Japan, and explained various strategies for control of insects causing serious agricultural damage in Africa with a video presentation.
Related Research Program
Stable Agricultural Production
In conjunction with the ScienceQ program of Tsukuba Science City, Dr. Kotaro Maeno, Researcher of the Crop Livestock and Environment Division gave an on-site lesson to pupils of Kurihara Elementary School on January 17, 2019.