On November 6, 2018, the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) held an international symposium entitled “Women in Fisheries: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Contributions to Research and Industry”, aiming to further promote the activity of the women in fisheries-related research and industry.
JIRCAS President Dr. Masa Iwanaga, opened the Symposium and in his address, explained the purpose and significance of the day’s proceedings. This was followed by welcoming remarks by Mr. Kazuhiko Shimada, Deputy Director General of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF).
Thus following, Dr. Meryl Williams (Chair, Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Section, the Asian Fisheries Society) and Dr. Kaoru Nakata (Executive Director, the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency) provided respective keynote speeches entitled “Women’s contributions to fisheries and aquaculture in the developing areas: Present achievements and future prospects for women researchers and administrators” and “Women in fisheries and aquaculture in Japan: Current achievements and future prospects in research and industry”.
In succession, in Session 1 under the theme of “Women in Fisheries Research”, Ms. Yumiko Kura (Country Director, WorldFish Cambodia), Dr. Evelyn Grace de Jesus Ayson (Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center/Aquaculture Department), and Dr. Bong Jung Kang (Fisheries Division, JIRCAS) gave presentations of interest from the viewpoint of how women can contribute to fisheries and the relevant SDGs through research, focusing on sustainable aquaculture in Southeast Asia (Y. Kura, E.G. Jesus Ayson), and new technology for commercial shrimp culture (B.J. Kang). In Session 2, under the theme of “Women On-site in Fisheries and Aquaculture”, Prof. Izumi Seki (Tokai University) and Ms. Bonnie Waycott (The Fish Site) introduced many examples of women who are playing an active role in the fisheries industry, both domestically and overseas. In the panel discussion chaired by Dr. Marcy Wilder (Fisheries Division, JIRCAS), all seven speakers appeared on the platform as panelists, and actively engaged in the exchange of opinions and ideas among each other and with the audience.
Finally, JIRCAS Vice-President Mr. Osamu Koyama, gave closing remarks with the message that women who actively engage in research, administration and business as pertaining to the fisheries industry, make important and essential contributions in achieving the goals of the relevant SDGs.
Women in aquaculture: JIRCAS International Symposium 2018