A delegation including 38 students and teachers from Gunma Prefectural Maebashi Girls’ Senior High School, which is designated as a Super Science High School (SSH), visited JIRCAS on August 10, 2018. The group participated in the biology course of the 3-course “Tsukuba Science Tour”. As an upper secondary school prioritizing on science, technology and mathematics, the school promotes research and development on fostering women human resources who can become global science leaders. In addition to introducing research activities of JIRCAS and specific topics related to management and shrimp aquaculture technology by the two women scientists, the delegation visited a research facility for shrimp aquaculture technology. The visit provided an opportunity for the students to learn about the importance of nurturing human resources who can become active internationally in the field of life sciences.
A delegation from Gunma Prefectural Maebashi Girls’ Senior High School including 38 students and teachers visited JIRCAS on August 10, 2018 and participated in the “Tsukuba Science Tour” biology course.